Saturday, January 26, 2013

Protesters killed in Suez shot from behind and at close range: Head of forensics

Those killed in clashes with security forces on Friday were shot by live ammunition at close range, sometimes from behind, forensic examinations reveal

Ahram Online , Saturday 26 Jan 2013

"Suez protesters killed during Friday clashes were shot by live ammunition at close range and in some cases from behind, forensics head Ihsan Kamil Gorgy told Al-Ahram Arabic website Saturday.

The forensics team has secured bullets extracted from the bodies of victims as evidence. The prosecution has allowed the burial of eight of the victims.
The forensics team has now moved to Port Said to examine the bodies of victims of the ongoing clashes there, added Gorgy.
Nine were killed during clashes between protesters and police in Suez on the second anniversary of January 25 Revolution.
Clashes are currently ongoing in Port Said between police and protesters angered by a court verdict issued Saturday in the Port Said football massacre case. While 21 were condemned to death for their part in the attack of 1 Februrary 2012 that killed over 70 Ahly fans, the list of the condemned contains no security officials who stand accused of allowing the massacre to happen........"

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