Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Syria: Seeking Justice

No Escape from Accountability
Human Rights Watch

".......Dignity can only be guaranteed when justice and human rights prevail, shielding people from abuses by armed groups, be they pro or anti-government and ensuring that those who commit such crimes are held accountable.  Syrians deserve justice after nearly two years of bloodshed.  They long for fairness after years of impunity.  Any planning for the future of Syria should contain the appropriate tools for the country to reconcile on the basis of justice.

Peace envoys sometimes claim they cannot negotiate peace and seek accountability for human rights violations at the same time.  They can and they should because peace without justice is a mirage that in the case of Syria could be washed away quickly in a bloodbath of revenge killings. Justice and accountability are the foundations for durable peace and a genuine settlement in Syria. That old man standing in the graveyard should know that those who commit war crimes will not get away with it."

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