Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Muslim Brothers Proving to be Worse Than Mubarak: Hamas condemns destruction of smuggling tunnels to Gaza

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"Hamas condemned Egypt's decision to flood smuggling tunnels linking Sinai and Gaza, according to a statement Thursday.
"The movement reviewed the issue of the destruction of tunnels with Egyptian officials and hopes that officials in Egypt understand the situation in Gaza and the need for these tunnels," Hamas leader Salah al-Bardaweel said.
Closing tunnels without providing an alternative method for Gazans to get necessary supplies hurts Palestinian families, said Bardaweel, who expressed his hope that Egypt would cease such activities.
“[Smuggling] has been forced on us because of the tight restrictions on the Palestinian people,” Bardaweel said. “[Tunnels] represent an exceptional case that resulted from blockade.”
Palestinian groups have also voiced their anger over the past two weeks in the wake of the country’s crackdown on tunnels between Sinai and the Gaza Strip. Egyptian authorities flooded the tunnels with wastewater [Muslim Brothers Approved!].
Sources inside the occupied territory said the crackdown did not have a significant effect on smuggling activities, but caused the closure of about 20 tunnels and raised fears that there would be more tunnel crackdowns in the future.
Egyptian authorities did not coordinate with authorities in Gaza, said Bardaweel, adding that Hamas supports destroying tunnels between Sinai and Gaza if the embargo on goods into the Strip is lifted or an alternative is implemented.
Armed Forces spokesperson Ahmed Mohamed Ali stressed Thursday that the military would continue operations in Sinai, including the closure of border tunnels, to protect national security......"

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