Monday, February 18, 2013

Twenty-First Century Imperialism: Militarism, Collaborators And Popular Resistance

By James Petras

"Introduction: The configuration of 21st century imperialism combines patterns of exploitation from the past as well as new features which are essential to understanding the contemporary forms of plunder, pillage and mass impoverishment. In this paper we will highlight the relatively new forms of imperial exploitation, reflecting the rise and consolidation of an international ruling class, the centrality of military power, large scale long-term criminality as a key component of the process of capital accumulation, the centrality of domestic collaborator classes and political elites in sustaining the US – EU empire and the new forms of class and anti-imperialist struggles......

Today the struggle against imperialism is first and foremost a class struggle against the local collaborators: domestic politicians and business people who extract and transfer the wealth of a people to the imperial centers. Undermining the collaborators world-wide is already a work in progress.Conservatives, liberals,and social democratic collaborators in Europe have lost credibility and legitimacy – the task of the mass movements is to organize for state power.
The imperial offensive in Africa and Asia rests on unreliable mercenary armies and corrupt rulers: as the imperial armies retreat, their collaborator rulers will collapse.And out of the ruins, new anti-imperialist states will eventually emerge......"

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