Sunday, March 24, 2013

EXPOSING ERDOGAN AS A LIAR AND AN AMERICAN STOOGE: Israel says fence-mending with Turks does not end Gaza blockade

"(Reuters) - Israel did not commit to ending its Gaza blockade as part of reconciliation with Turkey and could clamp down even harder on the Palestinian enclave if security is threatened, Israeli officials said on Sunday.

After a U.S.-brokered fence-mending announcement on Friday, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said Israel had met his demands to apologize for killing nine Turks aboard a Gaza-bound activist ship in 2010, pay compensation to those bereaved or hurt and lift the blockade by allowing in more consumer goods.

That fell well short, however, of an end to the blockade - which Erdogan had routinely insisted on during the almost three-year-old rift as a condition for rapprochement......"

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