Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Minaret of historic Syrian mosque destroyed in Aleppo.

Rebels and state forces blame each other for toppling tower of 12th century Umayyad mosque in Unesco world heritage site

The Guardian,

The minaret of a famed 12th-century Sunni mosque in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo was destroyed on Wednesday, leaving the once-soaring stone tower a pile of rubble and twisted metal scattered in the tiled courtyard.

President Bashar al-Assad's regime and anti-government activists traded blame for the attack on the Umayyad mosque in the heart of Aleppo's walled Old City, a Unesco World Heritage site.

It was the second time in just over a week that a historic Sunni mosque in Syria has been seriously damaged. Mosques served as a launching-pad for anti-government protests in the early days of the Syrian uprising, and many have been targeted......"

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