Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Russians Warned Us – Why Didn’t We Listen?

By Justin Raimondo

".....How did two Chechen punks – one a thuggish loser, the other a dreamy 19-year-old pothead – manage to kill three and injure over 250 people, inflict the bloodiest wound on the country since 9/11, and bring the entire city of Boston to a standstill? How did they manage to evade the multi-billion dollar “security” apparatus, which was set up with so much fanfare after 9/11? The answer is to be found in the manipulations and odorous alliances dictated by our interventionist foreign policy, a throwback to the cold war era, which has deemed Russia an enemy and the Chechens the Good Guys. After Boston, they are going to have a lot harder time selling that line.
American foreign policy is concerned with everything but what ought to be its central purpose: the protection of the American people. If our policymakers were focused on that rather than on extending US domination far and wide, the Boston marathon bombing would never have happened."

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