Monday, April 22, 2013

The silence of the Muslim Brotherhood

Although the fact finding committee formed by Mohamed Morsi to investigate rights violations from January 2011 to June 2012 found horrid cases of abuse, the president and his backers appear disinterested in its findings

Khaled Fahmy , Sunday 21 Apr 2013
Ahram Online

"..........It is also unusual that although President Morsi formed the commission himself, he is now disinterested in it and its findings. He has not uttered a single word about these important findings, and when some reporters attempted to find out his opinion about the report, the presidency said he had not read it. It makes one wonder whether traveling to Pakistan, for example, to receive an honorary doctorate is more important to the president than reading this critical report.

The silence of the Muslim Brotherhood about the fact finding report undermines their claims that they are concerned about freedom and justice. For what bigger mockery to these two sublime values can there be than when their president ignores the findings of the commission he himself created to uphold freedom and achieve justice?"

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