Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Al Jazeera roiled by US manager’s decision to censor Joseph Massad article

By Ali Abunimah

  • Al Jazeera restores Massad’s article and denies political pressure.
  • Massad expresses disappointment in network’s actions.
  • The Electronic Intifada reveals the political and commercial fears that motivated top manager Ehab Al Shihabi’s move to remove article.
  • Azmi Bishara condemns “cowardly” decision.
"Days after a top Al Jazeera executive ordered the removal of an op-ed critical of Zionism by Joseph Massad, the article was today restored to the network’s English-language website.
Imad Musa, the head of Al Jazeera English Online, also posted a statement on the Editor’s Blog denying that Al Jazeera had “succumbed to various pressures, and censored its own pages” when it removed the article.
The about-face follows a growing uproar inside and outside Al Jazeera over the article’s removal, amid fears for editorial independence and freedom of speech as the Qatar-based network prepares to launch Al Jazeera America......

Massad “heartened” by reaction

Massad, who has written for the Al Jazeera English website for two years, welcomed the restoration of his article, but expressed disappointment in Al Jazeera’s statement in a response sent to The Electronic Intifada:.....

“Cowardly” decision

Azmi Bishara, the Palestinian political leader and academic and one of Al Jazeera’s most prominent commentators, forcefully condemned the network’s action as “cowardly and opportunistic.”

In a statement on his Facebook page hours before Massad’s article was restored, Bishara said that the deletion of Massad’s article followed false accusations of anti-Semitism by “Zionist” and “racist” individuals.
Relating the move to the planned launch of Al Jazeera America, Bishara added, “If the price of Al Jazeera’s entry into the United States means its submission to Zionist dictates, then this means that America will be moving into Al Jazeera and not the reverse.”

Given that even Massad’s university, Columbia, had eventually stood up to similar false and disproven accusations and campaigns, Bishara noted that Al Jazeera had been “even less vigilant than Columbia in defending the rights of an Arab professor to express his opinion. Shame on you.”........

Restoring credibility?

What Bishara has said publicly, many present and former Al Jazeera staffers have been saying privately. Yet many Al Jazeera journalists are determined to retain the respect that the network has enjoyed for being willing to take on stories and offer voices – especially on Palestine – that no other network of its size would touch.
The restoration of Massad’s article, they must hope, will be a first step towards regaining Al Jazeera’s reputation as a place where free discussion of Palestine, Zionism and Israel are still permitted, even if it doesn’t always sell on Main Street. But there’s no doubt the damage has been great......."


  1. of alla da Lies said zionist ... further concentrated down instead2being antisemite ... would even furtherBfocused upon The Father Of Lies__

    as quite economically described by voltaire: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

    __were it not4fact that ANY mention of . . . disappears

    a v a n i s h i n g act2again be mentioned here because, both @niqnaq and @desertpeace, a reply with a link to this very same Massad essay was, inexplicably, erased . . . . . . gone.withoutta trace

    then again, perhaps, however unanticipated, waddayaaxxpect ... except, at 1st, due2virtue found only thru hautcuisine+hautcouture = HautKultur, whose arriviste do quite quickly learn what/whatnot2say ... due to, evidently in this instance, ignorance, the unmentionable ubermenschen therein named and described, Rothschild.INC, for just such peremptory but comprehensive and of course preemptive censorship wherein their BestInterests always lie


    esp 1. their zion/nazi identity, in germany, being both self-evident and self-identical, Totalitarian, together with britain,russia,france,germamera. . .
    2. having to do with Any link@aangirfan decyphering that nest-of-vipers4their spies&pedophiles. . .childtraficking,rape,torture&murder

    ie. http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2012/10/rothschild-spies.html

    dialectic, always taking both sides <======> against the innocent

    +?######?- http://bellaciao.org/en/spip.php?article22685

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