Monday, May 27, 2013

Egyptian NGOs Fear Law That Would Cripple Civil Society

By Cam McGrath

Critics of a proposed law say it could harm women's rights and other groups' ability to operate. Credit: Cam McGrath/IPS
Critics of a proposed law say it could harm women's rights and other groups' ability to operate. Credit: Cam McGrath/IPS

"CAIRO, May 27 2013 (IPS) - A controversial bill backed by Egypt’s ruling Muslim Brotherhood and submitted to the Islamist-dominated legislature surpasses previous laws used to repress Egyptian civil society, rights watchdogs say.
The legislation would allow the government to intervene in the internal governance and activities of civil society organisations and to control all funding.
If enacted, some critics say, Egypt’s 41,000 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) would become part of the state apparatus.
“If this bill passes, all of Egypt’s NGOs would essentially work under the government,” Hafez Abu Seada, chairman of the non-profit Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights (EOHR), told IPS. “We would operate not as independents, but as agents for the state.”........."

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