Wednesday, May 29, 2013

No More Tunnels Please: Gaza Held Hostage to Egypt’s Turmoil

Tunnels are seen as a lifeline for Gazans under siege.
Tunnels are seen as a lifeline for Gazans under siege.
By Ramzy Baroud

"........Palestinians in Gaza feel humiliated and are deeply frustrated for paying the price of Egypt’s protracted political turmoil. It is time that the Muslim Brotherhood government of Morsi do some serious soul-searching and understand that Palestinians will continue to dig tunnels to survive if Cairo doesn’t reach an agreement with the Gaza government that would allow for commercial exchange and humanitarian relief.

Yes, Egypt has every right to secure its border, but certainly not at the expense of a besieged people who are tired of being subjected to ‘collective punishment’ or being used as political fodder. Additionally, they are most certainly tired of digging tunnels to survive."

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