Saturday, May 4, 2013


By Tony Sayegh

The Israeli attacks on Damascus and on missiles destined for Hizbullah, as well as bellicose pronouncements by Nasrallah in support of the war criminal Assad, taken together with large mobilization of Israeli reservists and massive "maneuvers" by Western nations in the Persian Gulf, all seem to strongly indicate that the war against Iran/Syria/Hizbullah has already started. American and British troops are already massing in Jordan, which has permitted Israeli jets to use its airspace (to bomb Iran and/or Syria).

Before Iran is struck, Hizbullah's missiles will have to be neutralized. The Israeli attacks in the past couple of days may be designed to bait Hizbullah to respond. Obama has already declared, "Israel has the right to defend itself!"

There is a new moon next Friday and that makes for ideal conditions to launch cruise missiles against Iranian targets at night.

This is my speculation. Tighten your seat belts, it is going to be a very hot May/June.

قدسيا 5-5-2013 قصف مجهول المصدر على جبال قاسيون

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