Saturday, June 15, 2013

Egyptian president cuts ties with Syria and calls for no-fly zone over country


Mohamed Morsi also urges Hezbollah to pull out and pledges to organise urgent summit of Arab and Islamist states,
Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi said he had cut all diplomatic ties with Damascus on Saturday and called for a no-fly zone over Syria, pitching the most populous Arab state firmly against Bashar al-Assad.
Addressing a rally called by Sunni Muslim clerics in Cairo, Morsi said: "We decided today to entirely break off relations with Syria and with the current Syrian regime."
He also warned Assad's allies in the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shia militia Hezbollah to pull back from fighting in Syria.
"We stand against Hezbollah in its aggression against the Syrian people," Morsi said.
"Hezbollah must leave Syria – these are serious words. There is no space or place for Hezbollah in Syria."
Morsi, who faces growing discontent at home over the economy and over fears that he will pursue an Islamist social agenda, said he was organising an urgent summit of Arab and other Islamic states to discuss the situation in Syria, where the US has in recent days decided to take steps to arm the rebels.
Morsi, who spoke at a packed 20,000-capacity stadium and waved Syrian and Egyptian flags after his entrance, also urged world powers to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria.
The crowd of his supporters chanted: "From the free revolutionaries of Egypt: we will stamp on you, Bashar!"
Western diplomats said on Friday that Washington was considering a limited no-fly zone over parts of Syria.
But the White House noted later that it would be far harder and costlier to set one up there than it was in Libya, and said the US had no national interest in pursuing that option.
Russia, an ally of Assad and a fierce opponent of outside military intervention in Syria, said any attempt to impose a no-fly zone using F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles based in Jordan would be illegal.
Morsi said Syria was the target of "a campaign of extermination and planned ethnic cleansing fed by regional and international states", partly in reference to Iran, though he did not name the country.
Morsi said: "The Egyptian people supports the struggle of the Syrian people, materially and morally, and Egypt, its nation, leadership … and army, will not abandon the Syrian people until it achieves its rights and dignity."
Egypt has not taken an active role in arming the Syrian rebels but an aide to Morsi said this week that Cairo would not stand in the way of Egyptians who wanted to fight in Syria."


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    A christian palestinian, who supports Mursi, Obama and the brotherhood in order to burn Syria and to stir up sectarianism in the ME to the max.

    When dealing with palestinians - expect the worst.

  2. Tony Sayegh2:26 PM

    "..... in order to burn Syria and to stir up sectarianism in the ME to the max."

    You have got it backwards, friend! Whose slogan is, "Assad or we will burn the country?" Who went into Syria under the guise of "protecting Shiite holy places?" Iran and its Hizbullah stooges. Who divided Iraq along sectarian lines and established the bloody Shiite militias of Sadr and Hakim, responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Baghdad? Again Iran.

    As you said I am Christian but I abhor religious labels and sectarianism. That can't be said about the butcher Assad, nor Iran and its tools in Iraq and in Lebanon.

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Wow you've opened my eyes Tony. You are very wise. The problems ni the middle east have been and always will be the result of Shiite sectarianism. I had it backwards too, Tony. Thank god that I stumbled upon your blog. And now I have frontwards. I am curious though Tony, since you're an abhorer of all religious labels and sectarianism, what do you think of the religious labels and sectarianism of the Qaida and their offshoots in Iraq and Syria, or I guess it doesn't even come close to the Shia sectarianism. But don't worry Tony, the Nusra will get rid of Hezbollah soon. And then on to Palestine to liberate it from the zionists and the christians and the jews. Listen, thank you for being tireless in your pursuit of the truth. Re-publishing Al-jazeera clips is definitely what this world needs. Go to sleep dear friend knowing that you did your small part for this world. Go to sleep. :)

  4. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Hezb alshaytaan is busy killing innocent syrians and supporting a dictatorship

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I agree. Jabhat Al-nusrat is definitely the party of Shaytan. That's why Hebollah decided to fight them :)
