Sunday, July 28, 2013

April 6 condemns Nasr City violence, demands interior minister's resignation

Egypt's April 6 Youth Movement calls for formation of fact-finding committee to investigate use of 'excessive force' against pro-Morsi protesters in Nasr City

Ahram Online, Sunday 28 Jul 2013

Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Morsi carry an injured man to a field hospital following clashes with security forces at Nasr City, where pro-Morsi protesters have held a weeks-long sit-in, in Cairo, Egypt, Saturday, July 27, 2013. (Photo: AP)

"Egypt's April 6 Youth Movement has demanded that the interior minister resign, condemning Saturday's violent clashes in Cairo's Nasr City district that left dozens dead.

It also held the minister responsible for the bloodshed since deposed president Mohamed Morsi was in power when deadly clashes erupted between his supporters and opponents. In a statement released on Sunday, the movement denounced "violence and terrorism from police and pro-Morsi protesters" and has called on all factions to not give an "official or popular cover" to violent actions.

Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim, appointed by Morsi, has remained in his post in Egypt's interim cabinet following Morsi's ouster on 3 July.

April 6 called on interim President Adly Mansour and the government to form a fact-finding committee to investigate "the reasons for using excessive force" in dispersing protesters at the Memorial of the Unknown Soldier in Nasr City.
However, it also demanded that leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, from which Morsi hails, "who incite violence" be arrested to stand before the court......"

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