Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sharif Abdel Kouddous: As Morsi-Army Showdown Grips Egypt, Protesters Reject Authoritarian Rule

Democracy Now!

"Egypt is in a state of crisis as President Mohamed Morsi faces possible ouster from the military.
The Egyptian army is threatening to take over unless Morsi responds to a deadline of today to outline a "roadmap" for reconciliation after millions of Egyptians took to the streets to oppose his government. A leaked plan shows the military is prepared to overthrow Morsi, scrap a draft constitution and impose a government headed by an army general. We go to Egypt to speak with Democracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous, reporting from Cairo’s Tahrir Square. "The more important struggle is the one that is coming from the ground up — and that is a rejection of authoritarianism and a paternalistic form of government," Kouddous says. "We saw a rejection of Hosni Mubarak that threw him out of office, a rejection of the Supreme Council of the armed forces ruling Egypt, and now a rejection and a revolution against the Muslim Brotherhood. [The people] are revolting against these authoritarian elements that deny them political and economic agency."...."

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