Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What the appointment of Martin Indyk as US special envoy tells us

Appointing the former ambassador to Israel for Israel-Palestine negotiations was nothing beyond the usual status quo.

By Richard Falk

Secretary of State John Kerry recently appointed known pro-Israeli Martin Indyk as US special envoy [Reuters]

"It was to be expected. It was signalled in advance. And yet it is revealing.
The only other candidates considered for the job were equally known as Israeli partisans: Daniel Kurtzer, former ambassador to Israel before becoming Commissioner of Israel's Baseball League and Dennis Ross, co-founder in the 1980s (with Indyk) of the AIPAC-backed Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy who handled the 2000 Camp David negotiations on behalf of Clinton.
The winner among these three was Martin Indyk, former ambassador to Israel (1995-97; 2000-01), onetime AIPAC employee, British born, Australian educated American diplomat.

Does it not seem strange for the United States, the convening party and the unconditional supporter of Israel, to rely exclusively for diplomatic guidance in this concerted effort to revive the peace talks on persons with such strong and unmistakable pro-Israeli credentials?......"

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