Wednesday, July 10, 2013

With Deadly Crackdown, Is Egypt’s Military Repeating Same Mistakes of Post-Mubarak Transition?

Democracy Now!


"The standoff between Egypt’s interim government and the Muslim Brotherhood party it replaced in power continues to widen. Egypt’s top prosecutor has ordered the arrest of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Badie and other top officials on charges of inciting the violence that ended in the army’s fatal shootings of at least 51 supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi and the wounding of hundreds more. The charges come one day after the Muslim Brotherhood rejected a role in Egypt’s interim cabinet, which now includes former finance minister Hazem el-Beblawi as interim prime minister and Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei as vice president. We’re joined from Cairo by Democracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous. “Many critics say that this is repeating a lot of the same mistakes from the first army led transition following Mubarak’s ouster: It was drawn up by an anonymous committee without any input from the main opposition groups that were calling for Morsi’s ouster, including the national salvation front, including the youth led group Tamarod, who have voiced criticism for not being consulted in this process,” Kouddous says. “It’s a bare bones document that outlines the bare necessities but given that it makes very clear that it shields the military from civilian oversights.”......."

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