Monday, August 19, 2013

Human rights leaders call for action by Egyptian authorities

"There must be a full, impartial and effective investigation into the shocking loss of life that has taken place in Egypt over the last week, with full accountability for whoever committed or ordered the unwarranted lethal crackdown, said Amnesty International’s leaders from across the globe as they came together in Berlin today.

The interim government has already stained its human rights record – first by breaking its promises to use non-lethal weapons to disperse pro-Morsi sit-ins and allow for the safe exit of wounded and then by justifying their actions despite the tragic loss of lives,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

The response of the international community has been weak and ineffective, even as everyone leaps to condemn the horrific loss of life. The international community must act decisively to send a message that no government can behave this way and retain any credibility.”

“Even if violence was employed by some of the pro-Morsi protesters, that could never justify such a disproportionate response. It should also not be used as a pretext to crackdown on all supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, without making a distinction between those using and inciting violence, and those simply expressing their opinion.  In what country could the security forces act in such a brutal and reckless fashion without taking decisive action?”......"

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