Thursday, August 15, 2013

It only gets worse from here


"........Over the last week there was much talk ... over whether or not to negotiate with the Brothers or break their sit-ins. The camp that eventually won does not just believe that the Brothers are not worth negotiating with. They want to encourage it in its provocative sectarian discourse, its supporters' desire for violence, and push as much as the Islamist camp as possible into being outlaws. 
Those who nurture such eradicateur sentiment do not so much actually want to physically eradicate all Islamists as to provoke them into a situation where their political existence will be eradicated because they will have opted for violence. They are willing to endure that violence, even a return to the counter-insurgency of the 1990s, and sporadic sectarian and terrorist attacks, because they believe it will strengthen their camp and enable them to permanently block most Islamists from politics ... 
Their thinking is cynical in the extreme, not unlike Bashar al-Assad's push towards militarising the political conflict he faced [in Syria] in 2011........"

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