Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ONE MASSACRE AFTER ANOTHER: Syria-Egypt-Syria....DAMN ALL THE ARAB LEADERS! Syria conflict: chemical weapons blamed as hundreds reported killed

 Death toll claimed to be as high as 1,400 as Syrian government admits launching offensive but denies using chemical weapons
  • The Guardian,

  • A man holds the body of a dead child among bodies of people activists say were killed by nerve gas
    A man holds the body of a dead child among bodies of people activists say were killed by nerve gas. Photograph: Stringer/REUTERS
    "Hundreds of people are believed to have been killed in an apparent gas attack on rebel-held parts of eastern Damascus that is thought to be the most significant use of chemical weapons since thousands of Kurds were gassed by Saddam Hussein in Halabja 25 years ago.

    Medics, as well as opposition fighters and political leaders, said the death toll had reached 1,400 and was likely to rise further with hundreds more critically wounded in districts besieged by the Syrian military. Other estimates put the current toll at between 200 and 500. None of the figures could be independently verified....."

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