Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Recent bloodshed underscores urgent need to halt arms transfers to Egypt

Vast quantities of weapons and equipment supplied irresponsibly to Egypt by a handful of countries are being used for excessive force and unlawful killings.Vast quantities of weapons and equipment supplied irresponsibly to Egypt by a handful of countries are being used for excessive force and unlawful killings.

"All governments must suspend the transfer of weapons of the type used by Egypt’s security forces in violent dispersals and unwarranted lethal force against sit-ins and other protests, Amnesty International said today.

The organization has analysed some of the transfers to Egypt in recent years – including tens of thousands of conventional weapons worth tens of millions of dollars. Among the countries supplying weapons and ammunition of the type used during the bloodshed on 14 August are the Czech Republic, China, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and the USA.

The supplies include military firearms, shotguns, riot control launchers and corresponding ammunition and projectiles, as well as armoured vehicles and military helicopters.
Weapons and equipment supplied irresponsibly to Egypt by a handful of countries are being used for excessive force and unlawful killings,” said Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International.

“Deliveries must be frozen until full, prompt and impartial investigations into the recent violence – and similar incidents over the past several years – have been carried out and their findings made public. How could any state continue to deliver equipment used to disperse demonstrations knowing full well the Egyptian security forces’ track record?
“No further weapons should be sent until the Egyptian authorities can demonstrate that the security forces will not use them unlawfully.”....."

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