Thursday, August 8, 2013

Shades of the Old Soviet Union?

By Eric Margolis

".....China’s Taoists warned, “you become what you hate.”  They are right: the September 2001 attacks on the US, as John Le Carré wrote, producing a period of temporary psychosis.  America was knocked back to the ugly days of Sen. McCarthy’s Red Scare of the 1950’s.  The big difference was that today the bogeymen of “terrorists” have replaced menacing Marxists.  And today, terrorists were everywhere.....

The dramatic revelations of fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden brings back sharp memories of Soviet-era dissidents, jailed, banished, locked in foul psychiatric hospitals for daring to speak the truth.

In my day, those seeking justice and freedom used to defect from the East Bloc to the United States and Britain.  Now, ironically, we see a major defector, Ed Snowden, fleeing to Russia.

While the corporate-owned US news networks sugarcoat or obscure the NSA and Afghanistan War scandals, it’s left to Russian TV (RT) to tell Americans the facts.  Who would have thought?

We journalists used to mock Pravda and Trud as party mouthpieces.  Today, it’s the party line all the time from the big US networks, online news, and newspapers.

The Republican far right calls Snowden and Manning traitors; some demand the death penalty. Snowden’s lawyers warn he faces torture and possibly execution if he returns home; Manning has already had a long term in solitary confinement, which is itself a form of psychological torture......

Snowdon and Manning were, in my view, patriotic Americans warning their nation that its ruling elite, obsessed with power and global hegemony, had veered way off course and were violating the US Constitution.  However foolhardy, they acted with courage and honor."

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