Sunday, September 1, 2013

Syria crisis: Reaction to Obama decision on military action - live updates

The Guardian

For Once I Agree with the Assessment of the Bloody Syrian Regime:

"Syria's permanent representative to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari, has suggested that Barack Obama and David Cameron decided to seek approval before military action because they were looking for a way out after banging the drums of war, the state news agency Sana reports:
Jaafari said that US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron "climbed to the top of the tree and don't know how to get down," which is why they resorted to the House of Commons and the Congress to seek a way out of the trouble they got themselves into, or were placed in by others.
In a phone call with the Syrian TV on Saturday, Jaafari said that Obama is under a lot of pressure from the hardline right wing, neo-Zionists, Israel, Turkey and some Arabs, and that he did well by emulating Cameron by referring the decision of waging an aggression on Syria to the congress, which is how Cameron "got down from the tree."....."

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