Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sisi can't break Egypt-Gaza bonds

By Ramzy Baroud
Asia Times

The new Egyptian ruler's orders to destroy tunnels to Gaza and close the Rafah border are particularly painful for Palestinians who have long seen Egypt as the "mother" of Arab nations. Despite what modern regimes in Cairo such as General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi's do to please Washington and Tel Aviv, Palestinians and Egyptians share a historic bond that politics can't break.

"Egypt's new ruler, General Abdul Fatah al-Sisi, seems to not realize that the bond between Egypt, Palestine and especially Gaza is beyond historic, and simply cannot be severed with border restrictions.

Gaza is being "collectively punished", and is now facing economic hardship and a severe fuel shortage as a result of the Egyptian army's destroying of underground tunnels. But this is nothing particularly new. In fact, such collective punishment has defined Gaza's relationship to Israel for the last 65 years.....

Despite all that the Hosni Mubarak regime did to sustain its ties with Washington, and to please Israel at the expense of the Palestinians - and despite what General al-Sisi is doing to regain Washington's trust - there can be no breaking away from history, which is a people's history, cemented through blood and tears. Media clowns may spread rumors, and army generals may use many methods to humiliate and isolate Gaza, but Gaza will not kneel, nor will Palestinians ever cease perceiving Egyptians as their brethren. "

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