Friday, October 18, 2013

U.S. Weapons and Arms Parts Continued to Flow to Egypt After June Coup & Deadly Crackdown

Democracy Now!

"The United States recently announced plans to scale back aid to Egypt’s military government three months after the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi. Last week, the State Department said the United States will withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in military assistance until “credible progress” is made toward a “an inclusive, democratically elected civilian government.” But a new investigation from Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines program shows that the recent aid cuts might be more symbolic than anything else. Al Jazeera recently revealed that from July 3 to September 24, eight ships left New York, Baltimore and Norfolk, Virginia, bound for the Egyptian cities of Damietta and Alexandria, where they unloaded defense equipment covered by laws that require State Department approval. We speak to Anjali Kamat, correspondent and producer for Al Jazeera’s “Fault Lines.”...."

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