Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Spring in the steps of Arab revolt

By Ramzy Baroud
Asia Times

"Asking if the Arab revolutions have failed is asking the wrong question. Arab revolts have "failed" only according to our hyped expectations and erroneous understanding of history. While it is still too early to call "success", the Arab Spring has introduced factors that challenge the way countries are ruled......

In post-colonial Middle East, Arab countries were ruled through dictators - and their local associates - and foreign powers. The harmony and clashes between the dictator and the foreigner determined the course of events in most Arab countries - in fact in most post-colonial experiences around the world. 

This is where the real significance of the mass mobilizations in Arab countries becomes very important, for the "people" - a factor that is still far from having been fully defined - challenged the rules of the game and mixed up the cards. True, they sent the entire region into disarray, but it is the price one would expect to pay when powerful regimes and foreign powers are challenged by long-disempowered, disorganized and oppressed people

Arab revolutions have not failed, but nor have they succeeded. They have simply challenged the status quo like never before. The outcome of the new conflicts will define the politics of the region, its future, and the relationships between governments and the upcoming generations of Arabs. "

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