Thursday, December 5, 2013

Impossible Dialogue

The Choice in Yemen

By Ramzy Baroud

The collective sense of revolutionary hope Yemenis felt as president Ali Abdullah Saleh was overthrown has faded as elements of his regime push back and as the separatist-leaning south rejects national dialogue. In 2011, calls for an end to corrupt, clan-based politics united the youth, now the revolt's failure to deliver change threatens war and secession......

Yemen’s divisions are copious and growing, allowing the old regime to find ways to once more dominate the country. It could easily rebrand itself as the party capable of uniting all Yemenis and saving Yemen from complete economic collapse and disintegration.
Still empowered by the spirit of their revolution that underscored the resilience and discipline of one of the world’s poorest nations, Yemenis might find themselves back on the streets demanding freedom, democracy, transparency and more, demands of which nothing has been accomplished, nearly three years on."

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