Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Missing from Syria's streets: recording detainees

The Guardian

Find out about who has been detained when and where in Syria using this interactive map

Syrian lawyer Razan Zaitouneh started the Violation Documentation Centre (VDC) in 2011 to monitor human rights abuses in her home country. In December last year, Zaitouneh, with three other VDC activists, was abducted from the organisation's offices.

This map uses VDC data to map the number of detainees in different parts of the country since 2011. There is an individual record for each instance where there is evidence that someone has been detained by government forces

To view trends over time, either select a specific period from the dropdown list or drag the scroller from left to right. The circles will resize and the table below will update to show the additional numbers of detainees.

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