Friday, January 17, 2014

When pro Palestinian activists apply Liberal Zionist discourse on Yarmouk

My favorite "revolutionary" blogger "the Angry Lebanese" Asad AbuKhalil is at it again. After relentlessly trying to be a history revisionist on the events in Syria  he now borrows the same "moral equivalency" compass and logic used by Liberal Zionists when discussing Yarmouk camp siege:

Check this passage out from 1-16-2014
There is no question that the lousy Syrian regime has imposed a siege on the Yarmuk Refugee camp. And there is no question that the Syrian rebels have used the camp and its residents as their human shields.  Furthermore, notice that this account by Liz Sly and by Western NGOs do NOT mention that Syrian rebels shot at the convoy of food supplies that came to the camp the other day.  Both sides of the conflict have shown disregard for the welfare of the camp's residents, or what is left of them.

Take the statement above and replace the players to apply it to Gaza and what you have is something straight out of Haaretz :

There is no question that the lousy Zionists entity has imposed a siege on  Gaza. And there is no question that Hamas have used Gaza and its residents as their human shields.  Furthermore, notice that this account  by Al-Jazeera  do NOT mention that Hamas shot at the convoy of food supplies that came to Gaza the other day.  Both sides of the conflict have shown disregard for the welfare of the Gaza residents, or what is left of them.

Like many "pro" Palestinian activists living in the west he chooses to ignore the Palestinian voices inside the camp that refute the report that "the rebels shot at the convoy

1 comment:

  1. Tony Sayegh7:01 AM


    An important difference is that, to my knowledge, no one has starved to death in besieged Gaza, while scores have starved to death in Yarmouk, and thousands more face imminent death. Even children foraging for food in the fields were shot to death by Syrian regime snipers!

    I hate to say it but the savagery and brutality of the Syrian regime far exceeds that of the Israelis.
