Thursday, March 6, 2014

Real News Video: AIPAC Is Losing Influence Over U.S. Foreign Policy

Phyllis Bennis: The failure of the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group to force congress to vote for intervention into Syria or for additional sanctions on Iran representing a significant decline in its influence

More at The Real News


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Israel did not support the Free Syrian Army and if anything lobbied against arming them.

    Perhaps this contributed to Al Qaeda and the Takfiris defeating the Free Syrian Army.

    Some Israelis even felt Assad was a force for stability.

    Have you seen reports that Bibi has reached out to Iran?


  2. When we stop the military aid completely or at least make Israel follow the guldelines imposed on military aid to other nations is when the statement that their influence has diminished will hold some water.

    I personally would prefer no military aid to Israel, and no military aid to any nation just to increase profits of US based defense contractors. This unfortunately shapes some of our foreign policy as well.
