Friday, June 13, 2014

An Iranian general arrived in Baghdad to discuss defenses against Isis

An Iranian general arrived in Baghdad to discuss defenses against Isis with Iraqis, Martin Chulov reports from the capital.
The Guardian
Qassem_Suleimani.jpg (300×250)
Major General Qassem Suleimani, a powerful figure who plays significant role in Iraq's affairs, met with a series of militia leaders and Sunni tribal sheikhs in control of Baghdad's western approaches.
He is believed not to have met with embattled prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, or Iraqi generals, whose military capitulated across the north of the country this week and remains besieged in the central city of Samarra.
Volunteer Shia fighters were quickly assembled after Iraqi forces abandoned positions around Samarra, leaving only a small number of troops to guard the Imam al-Askari shrines – the two shrines blown up by insurgents eight years ago, triggering the sectarian war that almost destroyed the country.

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