Monday, June 16, 2014

Iran's first 'martyr' in Isis battle

The Guardian
"Iran's "first martyr" in the battle against Isis in Iraq has been buried in TehranSaeed Kamali Dehghan reports.
He was named as Alireza Moshjari from a special unit of the ground forces of the Islamic republic’s Revolutionary Guards, known as Saberin. 
Local news agencies published pictures of his funeral ceremony held in Tehran’s Shahid Beheshti mosque which was attended by hundreds of men and women who carried his coffin.

Tasnim news agency, which is affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards, said Moshjari was killed due to an accident “in the West of the country” on Friday while being involved in an operation. 
Iraq is situated in the west of Iran but Tasnim did not clarify whether he was killed in Iraqi soil but a group of conservatives websites said he was “martyred while helping Iraqi Shias in their battle against Takfiri Isis”."

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