Friday, June 27, 2014

Kerry: Moderate Syria rebels could aid in Iraq.

Kerry and His Syrian Karzai
JEDDAH: U.S. Secretary of States John Kerry said Friday that Syria's moderate opposition [US Puppets ] could play a role in pushing back jihadists who have seized swath of territory in neighboring Iraq.
Kerry was speaking in Saudi Arabia, where he met Western-backed Syrian National Coalition leader Ahmad Jarba.
"The moderate opposition in Syria... has the ability to be a very important player in pushing back against (Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS)) ISIS' presence... not just in Syria, but also in Iraq."
"Jarba represents a tribe that reaches right into Iraq. He knows people there, and his point of view and that of the Syrian opposition will be very important going forward," said Kerry, adding that "we are also in a moment of increased effort with the opposition."
ISIS jihadists, who have been part of ongoing fighting between the Syrian army and rebel factions, have been emboldened in their territorial ambitions and seized chunks of neighboring Iraq.
In what would be the biggest boost yet by U.S. President Barack Obama's administration to Syria's rebels in the three-year conflict, the White House has asked U.S. lawmakers to release $500 million to train and equip the moderate opposition led by Jarba.
The assistance would go to what the White House has called "appropriately vetted" members of the Syrian opposition [CIA Approved US Agents?].
Although the U.S. has provided some $2 billion in humanitarian aid, Obama has so far shied clear of providing heavy weapons, fearful they could fall into the hands of jihadists on both sides of the Syria- Iraq border.
Jarba called for "greater assistance" from the United States to Syria's mostly-Sunni rebels and for "greater efforts on the part of the U.S. and regional powers to address the situation in Iraq."
Kerry was also to meet Saudi King Abdullah, who has long called for greater U.S. military support for the Syrian rebels, whom the Sunni kingdom has long backed.
He has also been an outspoken critic of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, whose Shiite-led government has seen insurgents sweep up a huge swath of territory, including second city Mosul, since June 9.
Riyadh accuses Maliki of excluding Iraq's Sunni Arab minority and has played down Western concerns that the insurgents are led by jihadists.
Maliki has hit back, accusing both Saudi Arabia and its neighbor Qatar of supporting terrorism.

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