Thursday, July 31, 2014

‘Killing of sleeping children at school is a disgrace’ - UN

The Guardian

"The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says that two Palestinian journalists were killed while reporting in a market in Gaza yesterday, taking the total who have lost their lives since the Israeli offensive began to eight.
It said that Israel “must be held accountable for these atrocities”.
Sameh Al-Aryan, 26, who worked for the Al-Aqsa TV Channel, died of the wounds he sustained in the attack, and photojournalist Rami Rayan, 25, who worked for the Palestinian Media Network, were killed in Shujai‘iya, according to IFJ affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS). Ahed Zaqout, 49, a presenter on Palestine TV sport programmes, was also killed yesterday in a bombing attack carried out by an Israeli war jet on the Italian tower, where his apartment was, in Gaza City, the IPF said.
"We express our anger and condemnation at the killing of these journalists, the latest victims in this ongoing cycle of intimidation, violence and murder against media workers in Palestine. We send our heartfelt sympathies to their family and friends and we offer our continued support and solidarity to our colleagues in the PJS and all media workers in Gaza as they continue to suffer through this appalling Israeli barrage. Enough is enough: the killing must end now and Israeli must be held accountable for these atrocities."
The IFJ said it is writing to UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon to remind the organisation of its international obligation to protect journalists....."

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