Monday, July 7, 2014

Video: Israeli lynch mob hunts for Palestinians in Jerusalem

Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Mon, 07/07/2014 

In this video shot and edited by Boycott from Within activist Ronnie Barkan a gang of young Israeli men can be seen stopping cars to determine whether the drivers were Arabs.
This occurred as Israelis gathered in Jerusalem on 5 July to chant “Death to the Arabs!” and “Death to leftists!” just days after Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair was kidnapped and burned alive.
On Sunday, Israeli police arrested six “Jewish extremists” for the 2 July murder of Abu Khudair.
In Barkan’s video, members of the mob stop one taxi cab and ask the driver “Are you Jewish?” before letting him go.
They tell another driver “You’re also a Jew, don’t worry.”
One of the youths shouts “Let’s go to Musrara,” an area on the edge of eastern occupied Jerusalem where they might be likely to find more Palestinians.
“Give it to the Arabs, sons of bitches!” another shouts.
Israeli racists had used Facebook to call for similar rallies around the country.
Twitter users opposed to the protests monitored or commented on them using the hashtag#antifa972.


In the face of the escalating incitement since the bodies of three abducted Israeli youths were found in the occupied West Bank one week ago, some Israelis have organized protests against racism.
Avgad Yavor posted this image of about two hundred people taking part in an anti-racism rally in Pardes Hana, near Haifa on Sunday. He said that across the street were some fifty opposing protestors whom he termed “Nazis.”
These small anti-racism rallies must be seen in the light of the overwhelming atmosphere of intense anti-Palestinian incitement from politicians and on social media that has surged in recent weeks.

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