Friday, July 4, 2014

Videos: savage beating by Israeli police in neighborhood where murdered teen was kidnapped

Two videos have emerged showing Israeli police brutally beating a Palestinian youth in the Shuafat neighborhood of eastern occupied Jerusalem.
The disturbing videos appear to show the same incident from different angles.
The area has been rocked by protests since local teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair was abducted and murdered early on Wednesday, in an apparent reprisal for the killing of three Israeli teenagers whose bodies were found in the occupied West Bank on Monday.
The footage at the top of this post was broadcast on the television channel Palestine Today. This video uploaded to YouTube appears to have been created by someone pointing a camera at a TV set tuned to Palestine Today.
The text on the TV screen states: “Exclusive to Palestine Today, video shows occupation soldiers and settlers savagely attack a Palestinian youth in Shuafat.”
The second video posted on Facebook by Quds News Network shows the same incident. It appears to have been shot with a mobile phone from an adjacent building.
The videos indeed show two men wearing riot gear vigorously kicking and beating another man who is lying on the ground in what looks like a construction site.
The men then drag their victim toward the street. The victim can be seen to have his head wrapped in a scarf, a tactic used by Palestinian youths to avoid identification and arrest by occupation forces.
The attackers are joined by a third assailant. One of the men appears to be carrying a hammer or similar object. They continue to kick their victim, who is slumped over, as they carry him toward a group of soldiers or police and men wearing plain clothes and black face masks.

Many injured

Red Crescent medics said 170 Palestinians were injured since Monday, including three with live bullets, Ma’an News Agency reported.
Dozens were injured by rubber bullets, including six journalists, and three people suffered fractures after being assaulted by Israeli police officers, Ma’an News Agency added.
The brutal beating caught on video is reminiscent of an indelible image of a similar attack on a young Palestinian during the first intifada in the late 1980s.

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