Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Before and after: satellite images of destruction in Gaza

Images released by the United Nations Institute of Training and Research show the extent of the damage done by Israel’s military campaign to parts of the Gaza Strip
Destruction in Gaza on 26 July
Palestinians surveying their destroyed homes on 26 July. Photograph: Landov/Barcroft Media
The United Nations Institute of Training and Research has released before and after images of parts of the Gaza Strip, highlighting the extent of the destruction.
Gaza map
Map of the areas photographed.
An image of the area of Shujai’iya on 6 July, before the start of Israeli air strikes.
Shujai’iya, via unitar.org
The same area 19 days later, during the strikes, with blocks of buildings razed to the ground.
Shujai’iya, via unitar.org
A satellite photograph of al-Bureij, a Palestinian refugee camp, on July 6th.
Al Bureij, via unitar.org
A picture taken on 12 July, 4 days after the launch of the Israeli military operation shows a series of destroyed buildings.
Al Bureij, via unitar.org
A pre-crisis photograph from 6 July showing Beit Hanoun, a city on the north-east edge of the Gaza Strip.
Beit Hanoun, via unitar.org
A shot of the same area on 25 July shows that many of the buildings have been destroyed.
Beit Hanoun, via unitar.org
An area of the city of Beit Lahiya before the crisis.
Beit Lahiya, via unitar.org
The same area 19 days later.
Beit Lahiya, via unitar.org

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