Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How many more Gaza children must die before Israel is taken to war crimes court?

In this interview on Gaza’s al-Kitab TV, Palestinian writer and activist Haidar Eid explains the importance of the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.
“Boycott has become a culture of resistance and solidarity that has been established in the international culture that stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people,” Eid says, “exactly as it had been established against the apartheid regime in South Africa.”
But Eid says there is a need to push further: “We want to reach the phase in which Israel is held accountable.”
Eid says that Israel’s ability to “carry out three genocidal wars” on Gaza since 2008 “is due to the absence of accountability.”
Eid is sharply critical of the official Palestinian political leadership’s failure to ratify the Rome Statute which would give Palestinians access to the International Criminal Court.
“I do not understand how many children need to be killed in Shujaiya and Beit Hanoun and Khuzaa for the Palestinian leadership to be convinced of the necessity and importance of submitting these applications,” Eid says.
The clip is in Arabic with English subtitltes.

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