Thursday, August 7, 2014

Two Scottish councils plan to fly Palestinian flag – do you agree?

Glasgow and Fife councils are planning to raise the Palestinian flag to show solidarity with people affected by the conflict in Gaza. Do you agree with their plans? Vote here
Palestinian flag
Photograph: Khalil Hamra/AP
Glasgow council will raise the Palestinian flag over the city's chambers on Friday, and Fife council has confirmed it will fly the flag for one week, amid fierce criticism.
Glasgow Jewish Representative council president Paul Morron said it was "angered and hurt" by Glasgow''s decision, according to the BBC.
"It does nothing to alleviate the suffering on either side of the conflict, nor does it bring peace closer by one single minute," he added.
Glasgow council leader David Ross said:
I hope that by flying this flag we can add strength to the public pressure for a lasting ceasefire which can help bring about peace and stability in the area.
This action is not in support of any specific organisation, but simply in solidarity with the people of Gaza to show our concern for their suffering and to call for a lasting ceasefire.
Do you agree with the councils' decision to raise the flag in solidarity with those affected by the conflict in Gaza?
Should councils get involved in political situations?
Will raising the flag in this way do more harm than good?
Should Israel's flag also be raised above the councils' chambers?
Poll closes in 2 days

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