Wednesday, September 10, 2014

THAT GREAT SATAN IS SUCH A RELIABLE ALLY! Rafsanjani: Iran ready to cooperate with the US against IS

Hashemi Rafsanjani
Hashemi Rafsanjani
The Chairman of Iran' Expediency Council Hashemi Rafsanjani expressed his country's willingness to cooperate with the United States against the Islamic State (IS).

Rafsanjani said, in a TV interview, Iran is willing to cooperate with the US against IS if the Americans were really genuine about confronting the radical group, according to Iran's semi-official news agency FARS.
Answering a question about how Iran and the US would reach a common ground in their fight against IS in Iraq, Rafsanjani said that Iran would continue to do its job, noting that both states are trying to achieve the same end.
Rafsanjani noted that Iran is the biggest victim of terrorism. "We previously fought by the US' side against [Abu Musab] Al-Zarqawi; and as we were fighting against IS in Syria, the United States was supporting it. We will continue with our role. I hope for support from the United States, as well as the rest of the world, so as to undermine the evil that this group inflicts on the people of Syria, Iraq and the rest of the region."
Rafsanjani noted that his country has a unique experience in confronting terrorism. He likened IS to an iceberg that becomes bigger day after day. "This iceberg depends on people who suffered. Using this pretext, the group attracts a segment of the youth. IS is now the least merciful terrorist group in the world. It destroys the image of Islam," he said.

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