Tuesday, September 9, 2014

University of Illinois Urged to Reinstate Professor Steven Salaita, Critic of Israeli War in Gaza

Democracy Now!

"As the fall school term begins, an Illinois college campus is embroiled in one of the nation’s biggest academic freedom controversies in recent memory. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has sparked an outcry over its withdrawal of a job offer to a professor critical of the Israeli government. Steven Salaita was due to start work at the university as a tenured professor in the American Indian Studies Program. But after posting a series of tweets harshly critical of this summer’s Israeli assault on Gaza, Salaita was told the offer was withdrawn. The school had come under pressure from donors, students, parents and alumni critical of Salaita’s views, with some threatening to withdraw financial support. Thousands of academics have signed petitions calling for Salaita’s reinstatement, and several lecturers have canceled appearances in protest. The American Association of University Professors has called the school’s actions "inimical to academic freedom and due process." A number of Urbana-Champaign departments have passed votes of no-confidence in the chancellor, Phyllis Wise. And today, Urbana-Champaign students will be holding a campus walkout and day of silence in support of Salaita.
We speak to Columbia University law professor Katherine Franke and Kristofer Petersen-Overton, an adjunct lecturer of political science at Lehman College. In 2011, Brooklyn College reversed an earlier decision not to hire Petersen-Overton as an adjunct professor to teach a seminar on Middle East politics, a decision many claimed was politically motivated...."

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