Friday, October 10, 2014

Iran: We will not allow the fall of the Assad regime

Iran will not allow Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad's regime to fall, the country's Deputy Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir Abdul Abdollahian, stressed yesterday.
Speaking during a conference entitled Iraq and the international coalition against ISIS, he said: "The US informed Iran, before its attack on ISIS, that it does not have any plans to attack Iran, or the centres of Bashar Al-Assad's government, and it told the Syrian government the same thing, but we do not trust them in these matters. So we are following the developments closely."
The official said: "So I say that all incorrect attempts that may be carried out by the United States or any other country, such as imposing a no-fly zone, threatening the national sovereignty of Syria [What kind of joke is this??], or moving military units onto Syrian territory will lead to serious consequences."
Abdollahian said Iran had taken measures to help the Kurds in Kobani in the context of aid carried out by the Syrian regime, he says, without providing any information on what kind of aid he was referring to.
He added: "We are working with countries in the region to resolve the ongoing crisis in Kobani, we continue our discussions with our friend Turkey, and we believe that Turkey can play an important role in the return of Syrian refugees to their country."

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