Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Egypt, Saudis Discussing New Sunni Arab Military Alliance

Alliance Would Intervene Regionally to 'Counterbalance' Shi'ites

According to a new report by the Associated Press, the Egyptian military junta is in talks with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait about the possibility ofcreating a new Sunni Arab military alliance.
The alliance would nominally “counterbalance” Shi’ite influence in the region, and would intervene militarily across the region with an eye toward installing juntas or other convenient governments in power.
The early wars for this alliance are believed to be Libya, where Egypt is in the process of backing an attempted coup d’etat by General Khalifa Hifter, and Yemen, where the alliance would aim to eliminate the Shi’ite Houthi militias from power.
The Egyptian junta seems keen to reassert itself as a regional power after rolling back the anti-Mubarak revolution, while the Saudis and the rest of the GCC seem to be looking for a new anti-Shi’ite intervention option after their last one, bankrolling Islamist factions in Syria, failed so spectacularly.

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