Monday, November 24, 2014

Egyptian president says his regime is ready to protect Israel

(Cartoon by Khalil Bendib)
Egyptian President Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi told an Italian newspaper that his country is ready to send troops to Palestine in order to guarantee Israel's security and work jointly against terrorism.
In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Al-Sisi said: "We are prepared to send military forces inside a Palestinian state. They would help the local police and reassure Israelis in their role as guarantors."
The former military general stressed that any such troop deployment would only be for the time needed to restore trust between the two sides.
According to Reuters, Al-Sisi added that he has spoken about this idea 'at length' with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
"I told [Netanyahu] a courageous step was needed otherwise nothing would be resolved," he said.
Al-Sisi led the July 2013 military coup that ousted Egypt's first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi. Since then, the Egyptian government has criminalised the Muslim Brotherhood organisation, which Morsi was a member of, and deepened the Israeli siege of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by closing the Rafah Border crossing in order to raise pressure against the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, which is an ally of the Muslim Brotherhood.

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