Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rafah is gone with the wind

Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh
Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh
Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh 

Saturday, 01 November 2014 15:22

The degree of madness and criminality attained by the coup regime is growing faster and more intense than we imagined. The people of Rafah living in the Egyptian city of Sinai have been displaced after their homes were bombed and the olive trees were uprooted in preparation for the establishment of the buffer zone. This same buffer zone was demanded by Israel and the US during Mubarak's rule, specifically in 2007 after the Israeli attack on Gaza, which the Islamic resistance bravely withstood.

The former regime did not dare to carry out such a measure and instead remained content with the separation wall (wall of shame) between Sinai and Gaza. All the while, the regime continued to besiege Gaza and destroy the tunnels, which are the only lifeline for the brave people of Gaza who have been besieged from all directions.
However, Al-Sisi has been installed into power to execute all of Israel's demands and implement its project. The current project pursued in the region is the complete elimination of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which the Zionist wars failed to get rid of and erase the word resistance from the minds of the Arabs.
It will also give Israel the freedom to deal with the region in any way it wants, after first fragmenting it into ethnic and sectarian mini-states that fight and dispute amongst each other, which is exactly the case in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.
These wars also failed to destroy the culture of resistance in the region and completely eradicate it so that Israel could enjoy security and safety.
Now Al-Sisi is playing the role assigned to him by considering the residents of Sinai enemies that must be fought and displaced from their land, which they inherited from their ancestors thousands of years ago. He created an enemy out of nowhere, but this will eventually result in real hostility because the people of Sinai now have a blood feud with Al-Sisi's regime after their children were killed for no reason and they were unjustly driven out of their homes.
Merely saying that there is no God but Allah has given Al-Sisi the right to kill them under the pretext of fighting terrorism and the global war on Islam. He is really pushing the people of Sinai towards having their revenge on his regime which made them feel alienated from the Egyptian state and exiled them.
It makes me feel very sad when I hear the people of Sinai say that they were safe under the Israeli occupation of Sinai after 1967 and that they were not subject to such heinous human rights violations by the Zionists. It is strange that when Al-Sisi was the defence minister, he said in December 2012 that if the Rafah area was evacuated, it would create a vendetta between the government and the people of Sinai and that it would pose a great danger to Egypt' national security.
What happened in 2014 that made the evacuation of Rafah so necessary to preserve Egypt's national security? How many crimes were committed by Al-Sisi in the name of Egypt's national security while our national security has nothing to do with them? Al-Sisi did not mention Egypt's national security when talking about the borders with Israel; are they safe from treachery as long as Al-Sisi implements Israel's strategic agenda in the region? Most importantly, if he thinks so, then he is like all the tyrants who do not care about their countries or their people. All they care about are their thrones. The country and the people can burn as long as their thrones are safe.

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