Friday, January 30, 2015

25 journalists attacked in Yemen by Houthi rebels

Reporters suffer beatings and kidnappings while covering protests

The Guardian


A report documented 25 attacks on journalists in the Yemen in just two days earlier this week, including beatings, kidnappings, detentions and confiscation of cameras and phones.
The attacks were detailed by an organisation called the Freedom Foundation for media freedom, rights and development. It explained that they happened to both local and foreign journalists on Sunday and Monday as reporters attempted to cover demonstrations. The perpetrators were mostly Shiite Houthi militants.
“The sheer number of attacks targeting journalists in such a short period is shocking,” said Steven Ellis, director of advocacy and communications with the International Press Institute (IPI). “We urge Houthi leaders to make clear to their followers that journalists are never legitimate targets”.
Demonstrations broke out in Sana’a, Yemen’s capital, over the weekend in the wake of the resignation of President Abed Mansour Hadi. He and his cabinet were forced to step down on 22 January after Houthi rebels stormed the presidential compound and placed Hadi under house arrest.
The Houthis cited poor progress on the part of Hadi’s administration to stick to an agreement signed in September that would have granted them greater inclusion in the government.
Protesters who gathered in Sana’a in support of Hadi who demanded that the Houthis leave, were dispersed with gunfire by Houthi militia.

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