Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New Saudi king opens door to reconciliation with Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood

ABU DHABI — Saudi Arabia and Hamas have been considering a reconciliation.
Saudi royal guards on Jan. 23 at the succession of King Salman upon the death of King Abdullah.
Saudi royal guards on Jan. 23 at the succession of King Salman upon the death of King Abdullah.
Arab diplomatic sources said the Saudi leadership has renewed contact with the Hamas leadership, Middle East Newsline reported. They said King Salman, who ascended to the throne on Jan. 23, was encouraging a reconciliation with the Palestinian Islamic movement.
Salman has long worked with Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and does not want a permanent estrangement,” a source said.
On Jan. 25, the official Saudi Press Agency reported that Hamas sent condolences for the death of King Abdullah two days earlier. SPA said Hamas Executive Council chairman Khaled Masha’al relayed his condolences to the Saudi embassy in Qatar. Hamas representatives also visited the Saudi embassy in Lebanon.
“We look forward to stable relations with Saudi Arabia,” Hamas deputy Executive Council chairman Ismail Haniyeh said.
The sources said Salman and Crown Prince Muqrin wanted to restore ties with Hamas and the Brotherhood to stem Iranian expansionism, particularly in neighboring Yemen. They said the Saudi leadership could help the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip reconcile with neighboring Egypt.
“We won’t see any dramatic developments over the next few months,” the source said. “Still, Riyad will demand a cooling of Hamas’ relations with Iran.”

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