Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Iran and the Inept Arab Regimes: A Comparison


By Tony Sayegh

إيران الإمبراطورية

(Note the location of the Iranian thumb.)

When you step back and review the latest successive achievements by Iran in penetrating and subduing the Arab world, together with the total disarray on the part of the Arabs, you can't help but be impressed by the planning and execution of the Iranian strategy.

The Iranian strategy relies primarily on invasions from within the Arab countries. In other words Iran creates and trains forces from within each Arab country to do its bidding and carry out the orders of the Grand Ayatollah (Al-Faquih).

It started in Lebanon with Hizbollah. In the beginning Iran used the resistance to Israel as the main reason for the creation of Hizbollah. But now, Iran has moved to Stage Two, in which it (Iran) and Israel reach a detente and both share dominating the Arab world. Hizbollah is not needed in South Lebanon anymore, but in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and who knows where next (Bahrain, Saudi Arabia??).

Another element to admire about the Iranian strategy is that it follows the Israeli policy of establishing facts on the ground. While the stupid Arabs keep counting on the UN, the Security Council, the "International Community," the US, etc, Iran establishes forces and holds ground.

Look at the speed with which Iran has basically controlled a large country such as Yemen. A tiny minority (the Houthis) were armed and trained  by Iran and were able to move in less than 6 months to control most of Yemen. The last stronghold of president Hadi, Aden, is about to fall anytime.

The other element of Israeli strategy which Iran has learned and adapted for use in Arab countries is the reliance on air power and fast projection of power. Forces were moved very quickly from city to city in Yemen, after capturing various air bases.

In the meantime the stupid Arabs were "negotiating" in Yemen (just as the Palestinians have been "negotiating" with Israel for over 20 years). The UN has facilitated the Houthi takeover, by sponsoring endless "talks" and giving the Houthis more time to establish and project power.

Finally, when the takeover in Yemen is almost complete, Saudi Arabia is now threatening to interfere militarily. But it is too late. For one thing the US does not approve of Saudi action. The US wants a Houthi takeover as well as a major role for Iran as a regional power to keep the Arabs under control. All in the name of fighting "terrorism."

When will the stupid Arabs learn? They have not learned in more than 100 years, allowing one colonial power after another to dominate them.

Time to learn Farsi, I guess.

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