Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Assad forces flee from Idlib’s suburbs


Syrian regime attack on Idlib
More than 40 civilians were killed on Sunday when Syrian regime planes targeted a popular market in Idlib province in the north of the country, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. [file photo]

Assad regime forces fled the areas surrounding Idlib in their droves following advanced by opposition forces, a video broadcast by activists showed yesterday.
According to the Jordanian Al-Sabeel newspaper, the video shows regime forces fleeing after fierce battles with opposition fighters. It also shows the regime forces speeding away in their vehicles after they were targeted by the opposition.
Some of the regime soldiers were wounded, but in the video, it is not clear whether any had been killed.
Meanwhile, the regime's fighters increased their attacks against the opposition in the area. One Syrian was killed and several others were wounded when the fighters dropped an explosive barrel in the city of Saraqib in Idlib, activists said.
Intensified airstrikes came after days of the opposition's control of Jisr Al-Shoghour, which is strategic for the regime forces.

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