Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Former Iraqi official warns of ‘Persian Typhoon’


Izzat Al-Douri
Izzat Al-Douri

The US has failed the Arab regimes, Izzat Al-Douri, the former vice president of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, said, and adding that a "Persian Typhoon" is on its way.
In a recorded message broadcast yesterday, the 68th anniversary of Baath party, Al-Douri warned that the "Persian Typhoon" would not exclude anyone.
"The American imperialism which protected the Arab regimes is now allying with the Persians, who extended their hands in Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, and the Gulf States are next door." He stressed that the West would not venture into a ground war for the Arabs, "thus, Arabs have to unite."
Al-Douri warned of the Takfirists, describing them as the "worst enemy of the Arab nation." He said: "Shias and Sunnis are not connected with the hellish Takfirist ideology." He said that the political Takfirist Islam would die.
Regarding Syria, he said that the situation there is no longer a revolution, but American plans to tear the country into pieces. He accused the US of bringing all terrorists into Syria to weaken the popular resistance.
He called for the Syrian regime to pay attention to the conspiracy and not to keep President Bashar Al-Assad as the top priority.
With reference to Yemen, Al-Douri said Iran set off a sectarian war and fed it with much money, men and weapons. All this, he said, under the American umbrella. He called for Yemenis, including Houthis to sit for talks in order to save the country and the people.
The strongman of the former Iraqi regime said about his country, which was failed by the Arabs, is involved in a war with Iran and its collaborators, noting that Iran is dominating all sides of life in the country, including the political process and government offices.
He described Iraq Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abadi as a "junior collaborator" and he is "worse" than former Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki. He criticised the Popular Crowds, Shia paramilitary militias, for setting houses on fire and looting them.
Al-Douri said that the Baath party, along with other national forces, are working to liberate the country form the invaders.

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